
Human Touch in a Digital World: Balancing Automation with Customer Experience Principles

September 4, 2023
customer experience principles

How to strike a fine balance between advanced digital technology and human touch in the world of customer experience today?

Customer-centered professionals are frequently asking themselves the same question for years. However, it’s now an emergency now as contact centers have turned into the launchpad of artificial intelligence (AI) to deliver customer experience solutions.

Creating and maintaining exceptional customer experience principles is paramount for organizational success in the long run. In addition, it is important to ensure that the principles of customer experience continue to grow over time.

In a fiercely competitive world with abundant alternatives, customers are only looking for tailored experiences and seamless buying journeys with no bottlenecks. As new and emerging technologies evolve and automated experiences make their way, you must feel the pulse of customers and understand their desire from the way they engage with your brand.

Let’s discover the potential of understanding your customer journey and some critical touchpoints.

The Customer Journey and Its Nuances

To strike that fine equilibrium between automation and human touch, it is critical to identify the key touchpoints of your customer journey. To begin with, understand the goals that your customers want to achieve when they are engaging with your brand and getting involved in the purchase process, or when they are interacting with your products or services. How do you think your customers are engaging with the brand? Where do you think the frustrations arise? Can you tap into the critical moments of decision making?

With most businesses already engaging in digital transformation, this should not be difficult. However, the critical aspect lies in establishing a balanced customer experience guiding principle involving technology and the human touch.

In fact, Gartner research shows that 91% of all businesses are engaging in some form of digital transformation initiative. In addition, 87% of senior business leaders claim that digitalization is now a priority.

The same research also shows that 89% of all businesses have embraced a digital-first strategy or are in the process to adopt.

Furthermore, at least 90% of all new enterprise apps products and processes will incorporate AI technology by 2025, according to IDC .

In the age of unprecedented changes, digital transformation is the only contributing factor for businesses. Besides understanding innovative technology, businesses must also develop the tact to manage change within the organization.

For instance, technologies like automated checkout, chatbots, and AI can create efficient experiences that appeal to human values. It can save time and instill a sense of achievement. On the contrary, touchpoints such as customer support must have hybrid choices for human engagement, if desired or needed.

In fact, a Forbes survey of more than 800 American consumer found that up to 51% of consumers preferred an efficient customer experience over friendly interaction with a human during the purchase journey. Having said that, another 51% also expressed that the lack of human customer support is a deal breaker. Moreover, in the healthcare industry where personal touch and empathy matter the most, the surgery found that 77% prefer human agents over automated support, even if they must wait a little longer.

This clearly demonstrates that your customers’ appetite to draw technology-powered efficiencies also demands that businesses establish a fine balance. While technology is truly capable of creating efficient processes, if it lacks or fails to deliver human touch, it becomes a relationship breaker.

The idea is to cultivate a deeper understanding of the customer base, their purchase journey, and the right usage experience to successfully weave technology into customer experience guiding principles.

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How Technology Impacts Customer Experience Principles

AI-powered tools and automation have revolutionized customer service. As a result, contact centers can offer quick resolutions with greater accuracy. For instance, chatbots are capable of handling multiple customer inquiries simultaneously, which reduces wait times and ensures that customers receive correct information.

In addition, AI-driven analytics also helps businesses gain in-depth insights into customer behaviors and preferences. This enables them to curate customized offerings and build personalized communication strategies for improved engagement.

A Gartner survey involving more than 200 customer support and service leaders was conducted from December 2022 and February 2023. The survey result shows the top technologies impacting customer service, which includes:


  • Case management system
  • Internal collaboration tools
  • Cloud-based contact center systems
  • Knowledge management systems
  • Customer analytics dashboards
Technology impacts customer experience principles


Despite all the benefits of an automated approach for customer service, it may not lead to a positive customer experience every time. As such, contact centers prefer to create a more comprehensive customer experience principle including human interaction, typically while dealing with complicated issues or when customers expect understanding and empathy.

Acknowledging Variations in Generations and Demographics

These customer experience principles underscore the importance of infusing human touch into interactions. As a result, to tailor customer experience, it is essential to acknowledge the diverse requirements of generations and their demographics.

A Forbes study shows that baby boomers and Gen X have a stronger preference for empathy and human touch over automated support. Even if it leads to longer waiting times, it’s still a priority. However, the same is not true for younger generations. In fact, 67% of baby boomers believe that automation reduced human-to-human interaction against 26% GenZ.

Moreover, the same study shows that 47% of baby boomers find automation highly impersonal as compared to 31% of GenZ.

However, with the advancement of automation technologies, shortcomings are a part of the way, typically involving gender and racial bias. For instance, facial recognition is a widely accepted technology that has been criticized due to low accuracy when dark-skinned people use it. Its error rate is as high as 34% for dark-skinned women compared to light-skinned men.

Brands must understand that there’s always a difference between efficiency promised and the potential delivered on ground. Understanding this and addressing the key areas to meet customer needs will lead to better customer experience solutions.

Blending Customer Journey with Customer Specifics

The real art lies in a brand’s capacity to understand its customers well enough to craft a customer journey that aligns with their requirements while identifying nuanced automation opportunities. To achieve this, it’s essential to follow these steps when shaping your technology innovation strategy and customer experience principles:


  1. Assess Critical Touchpoints in the Customer Journey: Pinpoint key touchpoints in the customer journey where technology can augment efficiency and convenience without compromising the human element. Strategically incorporating automation in processes like checkout and self-service options can save customers time and effort. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that some touchpoints may necessitate a hybrid approach, combining automation and human interaction to handle complex inquiries and establish trust.
  2. Account for Age and Technology Proficiency: Different age groups exhibit varying preferences and competencies when it comes to technology. Younger generations often display greater tech-savviness, while older generations may prefer options for human interaction to ensure a seamless experience. Understanding these nuances empowers you to customize your approach to cater to the distinct needs of diverse customer segments, thereby enhancing satisfaction and fostering brand loyalty.
  3. Factor in Sensitivity to Personal Matters: Different industries and products elicit varying degrees of personal sensitivity. For instance, in healthcare, where interactions can delve into deeply personal matters, a stronger emphasis on the human touch is imperative to instill trust and provide empathetic support. In contrast, when making a purchase like a sweater from a retailer like Target, the transaction is typically less emotionally charged, making automation a more suitable option. By aligning your technology approach with the level of personal sensitivity inherent in your industry, you can ensure that your customer experience strategy is appropriately tailored.
  4. Embrace Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Technology Implementation: Technology, if not carefully monitored, can inadvertently perpetuate biases and inequalities. By incorporating principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), recognizing limitations and biases, and disengaging from technologies, when necessary, you can ensure that interactions with customers remain fair and equitable. This commitment not only aligns with ethical considerations but also strengthens your brand’s reputation and resonance in an increasingly diverse and conscious marketplace.

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How To Balance Automation with Human Touch

Creating exceptional experiences is at the core of customer experience principles. Businesses strive to leverage technology while retaining empathy and understanding of humans. Some strategies that help in achieving this equilibrium include:

  1. Identify appropriate use cases to automate: Automation is not applicable to every single business process. It should be judiciously deployed in certain areas as a value addition without compromising the quality of interactions and engagement. For example, chatbots are the most used AI tools for handling FAQs and simple queries, whereas human agents address more complicated issues that demand nuanced understanding and empathy.
  2. Train your customer service agents: While technology handles mundane tasks, you must focus on training agents to handle higher-value and challenging issues. For instance, fostering stronger communication skills and reasonable problem-solving abilities would enable agents to have a deeper understanding of the products and services.
  3. Personalized interactions: With the help of AI-driven analytics, businesses can predict the needs and preferences of customers. Using this data, they can personalize interactions. However, agents should use this information to add human touch to their interactions instead of simply relying on automated response.
  4. Seamless integration of technology and humans: The premise of customer experience principles ensure that the two touchpoints – technology and humans are integrated. This leads to a clear path of escalation, allowing your customers to transition from an automated system to a human agent whenever required.
  5. Iterate and improve: CX principles and approach have evolved over the past few years, adhering to the advent of technology. Regular customer feedback review, new strategies, and innovative technologies help your business stay ahead in the league and deliver stellar customer experiences.

The Essence of Human Touch in Customer Experience: Customer Experience Principles Examples

In a world increasingly defined by digital interactions, the significance of the human touch in customer experience cannot be overstated. Beyond mere transactions, customers seek genuine connections and meaningful engagements that resonate on an emotional level. Let’s explore some key customer experience principles examples that highlight the value of the human touch:

1. Emotional Connection and Empathy

Empathy is a fundamental aspect of creating meaningful interactions. USAA, a financial services company, excels in this area by training its customer service representatives to understand and empathize with the unique circumstances of military members and their families. This focus on empathy allows USAA to forge deep connections and provide tailored solutions that cater to the specific needs of its customers.

Example: USAA’s representatives undergo specialized training to connect emotionally with military customers and address their financial concerns sensitively.

2. Personalized Interactions

Personalization is a key driver of customer loyalty. Nordstrom, a high-end fashion retailer, showcases this principle through its personalized shopping assistance. Nordstrom’s sales associates maintain detailed records of customers’ preferences, sizes, and past purchases. When customers return, they often find personalized recommendations waiting for them, which enhances their shopping experience and fosters brand loyalty.

Example: Nordstrom’s personalized recommendations based on past purchases and preferences demonstrate their commitment to creating tailored experiences.

3. Building Trust and Loyalty

Trust is the foundation of customer relationships. Ritz-Carlton, a luxury hotel chain, epitomizes this principle by empowering employees to go above and beyond to create exceptional experiences for guests. This empowerment builds a sense of trust between staff and guests, allowing for genuine interactions that leave a lasting positive impression.

Example: Ritz-Carlton’s “wow stories,” where staff members are encouraged to fulfill extraordinary guest requests, showcases their dedication to building trust and loyalty.

These customer experience principles examples underscore the importance of infusing human touch into interactions. While technology can streamline processes, it’s the human element that adds depth and authenticity to customer experiences.

Best Practices for Incorporating Human Touch in Automation

Balancing automation with the human touch is crucial for delivering exceptional customer experiences. To achieve this balance effectively, consider implementing the following best practices and customer experience principles:

Designing User-Centric Automation

  • User-Friendly Interfaces: Automation interfaces should be intuitive and user-friendly. When customers interact with automated systems, they should feel comfortable and in control. Invest in user experience (UX) design to create interfaces that are easy to navigate and understand, regardless of the customer’s technological proficiency.

Example: Amazon’s “One-Click” ordering feature simplifies the online shopping process, minimizing the effort required from users.

  • Transparent Communication of Automated Processes: Transparency is key. Clearly communicate when automation is in use and what customers can expect. If customers know they are interacting with a bot or automated system, they can adjust their expectations accordingly. Ensure that there are clear pathways for customers to transition to human support when needed. This is a key element for framing your CX principles.

Example: Google’s Duplex, when making restaurant reservations, explicitly identifies itself as an AI assistant, ensuring transparency in automated interactions.

Training AI with Human-Like Responses

  • Develop your AI systems to provide responses that mimic human communication. Natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms can help AI systems understand context and provide relevant, conversational responses. This human-like interaction can make customers feel more at ease when dealing with automated systems.

Example: Chatbots like those used by Apple’s Siri or Google Assistant are designed to provide responses in a conversational manner, making interactions feel more human.

Empowering Employees for Meaningful Interactions

  • Training for Empathy and Emotional Intelligence: Equip your human agents with training programs that enhance their empathy and emotional intelligence. These skills are essential for connecting with customers on a personal level and demonstrating genuine care. Empathetic interactions leave a lasting positive impact on customers.

Example: The Ritz-Carlton provides extensive training to its staff in areas like empathy, ensuring that guests receive warm, personalized experiences.

  • Encouraging Personalized Connections: Encourage your employees to establish personalized connections with customers. Encourage them to use customer data to tailor interactions, remembering past preferences and using this information to enhance the personalized customer experience. Personalization fosters a sense of recognition and loyalty.

Example: Netflix’s recommendation algorithm personalizes content suggestions based on a viewer’s past choices, enhancing the user’s experience.

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The Future of Automation and Human Touch

As technology continues to advance and customer expectations evolve, the interplay between automation and the human touch is poised for significant transformation. In this section, we’ll explore the future of this delicate balance and what it means for businesses.

Evolving Technology Trends

  • Advances in Natural Language Processing (NLP): Natural language processing is at the forefront of automation’s evolution. NLP enables machines to understand and respond to human language with increasing accuracy. This development is making chatbots, virtual assistants, and automated customer service interactions more human-like and effective. As NLP continues to improve, we can expect more seamless and natural interactions between customers and automated systems.

Example: GPT-4, the latest iteration of AI language models, is capable of generating human-like text and understanding context more deeply, enabling more sophisticated automated interactions.

  • Integration of AI in Various Industries: Automation is no longer confined to a few industries. AI is becoming integral in healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and more. Industries are leveraging AI to enhance productivity, optimize processes, and deliver personalized experiences. This widespread integration means that more touchpoints in various sectors will involve a combination of automation and human involvement.

Example: In healthcare, AI-powered diagnostic tools are assisting doctors in making more accurate diagnoses, blending automation with the expertise of medical professionals.

Shaping Customer Expectations

Customer expectations are evolving in response to their experiences with automation. They now anticipate faster responses, personalized recommendations, and 24/7 availability. Meeting these expectations while maintaining a human touch is a challenge business must address. Customers increasingly demand convenience without sacrificing the quality of interactions, which makes customer experience principles pivotal for success.

Predictions for a Harmonious Coexistence

The future holds promise for a harmonious coexistence between automation and the human touch. Some predictions include:

  • Hybrid Customer Support Models: Companies will continue to adopt hybrid customer support models where automated systems handle routine inquiries, freeing up human agents to focus on more complex issues that require empathy and problem-solving skills.
  • Enhanced Personalization: Advances in AI will enable businesses to provide highly personalized customer experiences at scale. Automated systems will use data to tailor interactions, making customers feel understood and valued.
  • AI-Assisted Decision-Making: AI will play a more significant role in assisting human decision-making. In fields like finance, AI can analyze vast datasets to provide insights that inform human choices.
  • Ethical Considerations: There will be a growing emphasis on the ethical use of automation, including addressing bias in AI algorithms and ensuring that automation serves the best interests of customers and society.
  • Adaptive Automation: Automation systems will become more adaptive, recognizing when a situation requires human intervention and seamlessly transitioning to human agents when necessary.

Key Takeaway

Achieving the perfect equilibrium between investing in efficiency-boosting technologies and infusing the human element is paramount for crafting successful customer journeys. Moreover, considering the intricate nuances of diverse demographics enables the tailoring of experiences to cater to the distinct requirements of your customer base. By comprehending your audience and adapting technology innovation strategies accordingly, you can forge customer experience principles that genuinely revolve around human needs and preferences.

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What is automation with human touch?

Automation with human touch, or intelligent automation is a basic customer experience principle in practice today. It combines human touch like empathy and understanding with automation and AI-enabled tools like chatbots and NLP.

Why is human touch an important CX principle in customer service?

Human agents can demonstrate understanding and empathy, both crucial for creating connections with customers. Agents can also understand the emotions and problems of customers comprehensively compared to AI tools.

What are the 7 customer experience principles?

The 7 customer experience principles are:

  1. Teamwork
  2. Listening to customers
  3. Practicing honesty
  4. Building honesty
  5. Empathy
  6. Product knowledge
  7. Making the most out of every contact

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