
Top 21 Contact Center Best Practices You Should Know

August 23, 2023

Contact centers are the staple support system for businesses as customer service becomes a priority. They are crucial for multiple areas of business, including digital customer support and lead generation. In fact, a Zendesk CX Trends Report shows that over a period of one year, 73% of companies witnessed an increase in customer service requests over

However, despite its growing importance, there’s something amiss where customer demands are concerned. In another study, 84% of callers reported that the contact center failed to meet their expectations during the last conversation, which is shocking.

Delivering empathetic and exceptional customer support is a lot more than simply answering their questions or offering a solution. Customer service is now a crucial differentiator that distinguishes your business from its competition when done correctly. This is one of the many contact center best practices to keep.

Today, customer service follows an omnichannel approach – phone calls, emails, support tickets, live chat, etc. Yet, a virtual contact center remains the most efficient way of delivering customer service at scale.

By making your customers feel valued and hears, stellar customer service is good enough to convert casual users into happy promoters and brand advocates. This could improve your NPS (Net Promoter Score) significantly along with brand perception, revenue goals, and more.

According to PwC research, over 75% of global customers prefer human interaction during their brand experience journey. While virtual contact centers can meet this criterion, it is best to incorporate contact center best practices into the customer service strategy to delight your customers.

Clearly, having a solution-oriented approach can make a difference in the game. Businesses outsourcing contact centers always look for differentiating factors. So, there’s a scope of improvement at every step of delivering quality customer service. Adhering to contact center best practices is one of the ways to ensure success.

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Top 25 Contact Center Best Practices

It’s time to dive deep into the contact center best practices. These are strategies that will streamline operations, enhance customer experience, and create the most amazing work environment for agents.

1. Customer delight is a priority

Worth of positive customer experience


Customers and their experience with the contact center should be always the greatest priority. This will consider exceptional experiences and superior quality of service to make customers feel heard and valued.

Considering that customer expectations are higher than before, this is one of the contact center best practices that is becoming more and more crucial. It is also a key differentiator that can take your contact center ahead of your competitors and build a positive image.

In addition, it impacts profitability. For instance, brands focusing on improved customer experiences enjoy 80% increased revenue.

On the contrary, negative experiences and poor service cost businesses over USD75 billion annually.

Hence, adopting a customer-centric approach becomes the need of the hour and a fundamental for the success of both contact centers and businesses.

2. Set up a centralized knowledge base

Knowledge is power. It is imperative for your organization to have its knowledge base in one place, at its fingertips. This is the key to delivering excellent and uncompromising service.

Creating a knowledge base is equal to building a repository of your organization. It organizes your business information, data, important documents, troubleshooting guides, training materials, FAQs, and more. When everything is readily accessible to customer support teams, it only makes their job easier.

Having an efficient system will allow agents to pull up any record, customer data, FAQ documents, call scripts, and other vital elements to ensure there’s no delay.

The purpose of having a knowledge base is to ensure consistency. Empower your contact center teams with a tool that maximizes efficiency, optimizes customer service, and improves FCR.

3. Be more empathetic in your approach

Customers expect human experiences every time they connect. This is typically true when they reach out to a contact center to solve a query. Businesses outsourcing contact centers also consider this a prerequisite.

While short wait times are believed to be a key metric to determine customer experience, it is not a differentiator. Rather, strong empathy and human connection make it to the top of the list of outsourcing contact center experiences.

Customers are delighted to talk to helpful agents. Empathy sets the stage for strong human connections that customers want when they reach out to a contact center. In fact, helpful agents make the callers happy about the experience, while empathy makes a significant difference. Low wait times are a close third when callers dial a contact center.

But, where customer relations are concerned, what exactly is empathy? How to train contact center agents to be more empathetic?

To begin with, start training agents to listen to their customers actively. It is best to wait until the caller has finished talking. Next, the agent should ask questions to make he/she understand the problem. Summarize the customer’s concerns for assurance. Apologize for any negative experience.

Active listening training can change the way contact center agents handle customers. In addition, focus on the right channels for customer service. For example, customers with serious complaints would prefer to speak to a human agent and they should not be kept waiting. So, mechanize a way to free up your agents by directing most of the routine or less serious inquiries to self-service.

4. Create positivity, warmth and friendliness

Positivity is one of the most powerful tools in the customer support industry. It is the only way to build stronger and long-lasting customer relationships. The fact is that 89% of customers are more likely to purchase again if they have a positive experience. Hence, it is prudent to inject more positivity into the interactions.

Providing a friendly and warm experience with positive solutions like discounts, refunds, product replacement, or simple fixes makes customers feel delighted with the experience. Not only positive resolutions, but even the language of interaction makes a significant difference.

To understand where your contact center stands, send out post-call surveys to customers. This approach will create an impact on the CSAT metrics. You can also score agents based on their customer interactions so that they know how they are doing and what the scope of improvement is.

5. Recreate a cohesive work culture

Business is global. With distributed and diverse teams catering to customers worldwide, it is crucial to have a cohesive work culture. To deliver consistent solutions and brand experience across borders, the company culture should be unique and intact for every employee.

A cohesive and positive company culture inspires employees to align their personal performance goals with their business goals. It also motivates them to stay vigilant and deliver more. Likewise, ownership and productivity improve with the culture of company, converting happy and successful employees into brand ambassadors that will attract an even better pool of talent. One of the many contact center best practices you cannot miss.

6. Empower agents with proper training

Invest your resources, effort, and time into training your customer service agents. It is one of the contact center best practices that never fails. Your agents are not only the frontline of business, but they also represent the brand during customer interaction. Excellence comes with time and dedication.

Proper training ensures that your agents do not falter in handling complex calls or inquiries. Involve the top-performing agents in the training process to help new agents. Zendesk 2023 CX Trends Report shows that 60% of customers choose a brand over others depending on the service quality they receive. Thus, contact center training is critical with the increasing consumer expectations.

Prepare different training formats like text, quizzes and videos. Accommodate multiple learning styles. Allow freshers to shadow experienced agents, host workshops and help them learn from the contact center best practices. Ongoing training and opportunities also hone skills.

Training also instills a sense of responsibility and motivation at work. It empowers agents to take ownership of different roles to deliver business results, thus leading to better productivity, innovation, and performance.

7. Expand omnichannel support

Staying connected is the new mantra.

People are now using 4 to 5 different devices per day and multiple communication channels. Your contact center should be equipped with omnichannel support to be more effective and efficient in delivery timely resolution.

Expand your omnichannel support to ensure that customers can reach you from any type of device – cell phone, laptop, desktop, or tablet. Contact center agents should be prepared to respond to inquiries via text, social media channels, email, voice calls, etc. With these unified tools for communication, you can deliver better engagement levels and customer satisfaction.

8. Integrate innovation contact center technology with advanced tools

We are living in the era of digital transformation. To embrace the new age of transformation, we must aim to stay ahead of innovation and advances in technology.

Agents can now provide stellar experiences with contact center software integration. Technologies like CRM software, ecommerce platforms, client portals, and help center software can be integrated into the contact center software to deliver optimum resolution.

Understand that businesses outsourcing contact centers are looking for a partner that leverages advanced technologies and delivers prompt solution to customers. Your contact center is the hub of real-time insights that leads to improvement and innovation for any business. However, harnessing the true potential is the catch.

To do that, you must invest in technology to monitor every interaction and train agents to deliver excellent service every single time. Besides, you should evaluate operations and determine the scope of improvement. It is not only necessary for quality assurance but also for the team and bottom line.

9. Implement data-driven decision-making

In today’s data-rich environment, making informed decisions based on data insights is a game-changer. A data-driven approach can transform your contact center’s efficiency and effectiveness. By analyzing customer interactions, trends, and patterns, you can identify areas for improvement, optimize processes, and tailor your services to meet specific customer needs.

Utilize contact center analytics tools to gather and interpret customer data, such as call logs, chat transcripts, and customer feedback. This information can guide you in making strategic decisions that align with customer preferences and business goals. Identify common pain points, frequently asked questions, and emerging issues to proactively address customer concerns.

Regularly review key performance indicators (KPIs) such as first call resolution (FCR), average handling time (AHT), customer satisfaction (CSAT) scores, and Net Promoter Score (NPS). Use these metrics to measure your contact center’s performance, set benchmarks, and continuously refine your practices. Businesses looking for outsourcing customer service will assess you through all these factors.

10. Foster a collaborative environment

Collaboration among contact center agents, teams, and departments is vital for delivering seamless customer experiences. Encourage open communication and knowledge sharing to break down silos and ensure consistent information flow.

Implement tools and platforms that enable collaboration, such as shared databases, internal chat systems, and project management software. Agents should be able to consult colleagues for advice, collaborate on complex issues, and access resources that enhance their problem-solving capabilities.

Regular team meetings, brainstorming sessions, and cross-functional workshops can promote a culture of collaboration and innovation. When agents work together effectively, they can address customer inquiries more efficiently and provide comprehensive solutions.

11. Personalize customer interactions

Customers appreciate it when their interactions feel personalized and tailored to their needs. Leverage customer data to offer relevant recommendations, address customers by their names, and acknowledge their previous interactions. This is the most useful contact center best practices you should adopt.

Use CRM systems to keep track of customer preferences, purchase history, and communication history. This information can guide agents in crafting personalized responses and anticipating customer needs. Personalizing customer experience not only improves customer satisfaction but also contributes to higher conversion rates and customer loyalty.

12. Continuously monitor and improve agent performance

Regularly assessing agent performance and providing constructive feedback is essential for maintaining service quality. Implement quality monitoring processes that involve call evaluations, chat transcript reviews, and customer satisfaction surveys.

Establish clear contact center agent performance metrics and standards for agents to follow. Provide ongoing training and coaching to help agents refine their skills and address areas that need improvement. Constructive feedback can empower agents to enhance their performance and contribute to the overall success of the contact center.

13. Embrace AI and automation

Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation technologies can revolutionize how your contact center operates. AI-powered chatbots can handle routine inquiries, freeing up human agents to focus on more complex tasks. Automation can also assist in routing inquiries to the appropriate agent or team, reducing wait times and enhancing efficiency.

Additionally, AI analytics can uncover insights from customer interactions, enabling you to identify trends, sentiment, and emerging issues. This data-driven approach can inform decision-making and guide process improvements. This is a key criterion for outsourcing customer service.

However, it’s crucial to strike a balance between AI and human interaction. While AI can enhance efficiency, human agents are essential for empathetic and nuanced customer support.

14. Monitor and Analyze Customer Feedback

Regularly soliciting and analyzing customer feedback is a cornerstone of effective contact center management. Feedback serves as a direct line to understanding customer sentiment, preferences, and pain points. By deploying surveys, post-interaction emails, and even social media monitoring, you gain valuable insights into the customer experience.

The data collected from customer feedback allows you to identify trends and patterns. You can pinpoint common issues that customers face, measure overall satisfaction levels, and identify areas where your contact center excels. This information not only guides decision-making but also informs the direction of training programs and process improvements.

15. Provide Multilingual Support

In a globalized business landscape, providing multilingual support is a powerful way to cater to diverse customer needs. When customers can communicate in their preferred language, it establishes a strong foundation for positive interactions. Employing agents who are fluent in multiple languages or leveraging translation services ensures that language barriers do not hinder effective communication. Do not compromise on this contact center best practice.

Multilingual support goes beyond just understanding the language – it demonstrates cultural sensitivity and a commitment to inclusivity. It shows that you respect your customers’ backgrounds and are invested in making their experience seamless and comfortable. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and word-of-mouth recommendations, especially among non-native speakers.

16. Offer Self-Service Options

Empowering customers with self-service options is a win-win solution that benefits both customers and your contact center. When customers can find answers to their questions independently, it saves them time and provides a sense of control. Frequently asked questions (FAQs), knowledge bases, and online tutorials serve as valuable resources that guide customers through common issues.

Self-service options have the added advantage of reducing agent workload. Routine inquiries that can be resolved through self-service channels free up agents to focus on more complex and strategic tasks. This streamlined approach not only improves efficiency but also allows agents to invest more time in building meaningful interactions and addressing unique customer needs.

17. Implement Call Routing and Skill-Based Assignment

Efficient call routing is an essential component of a well-organized contact center. When customers reach out, they expect to relate to an agent who can provide accurate and timely assistance. Implementing call routing and skill-based assignment ensures that customer inquiries are directed to the most qualified agents. This is another crucial factor for outsourcing contact centers.

Skill-based routing involves categorizing agents based on their expertise and areas of knowledge. This allows calls related to specific products, services, or issues to be routed to agents who possess the relevant skills to address them. As a result, customers experience shorter wait times and faster issue resolution, contributing to higher satisfaction levels.

Effective call routing also minimizes the need for call transfers. Transfers can frustrate customers and lead to longer resolution times. By directly connecting customers to the right agent from the beginning, you enhance the overall customer experience and create a smoother interaction flow.

18. Emphasize First-Call Resolution (FCR)

First-call resolution (FCR) is a key performance indicator that directly impacts customer satisfaction. Customers appreciate having their issues resolved in a single interaction, as it saves them time and minimizes frustration. Emphasizing FCR as a contact center best practice can lead to improved customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

A high FCR rate not only benefits customers but also enhances operational efficiency. When agents successfully address inquiries during the initial interaction, it reduces the need for follow-up calls, leading to lower call volume and improved agent productivity.

To improve FCR rates, it’s important to equip agents with comprehensive training and resources. Agents should be knowledgeable about a wide range of issues and have access to up-to-date information. Empower them to ask probing questions and actively listen to customers to fully understand their needs, enabling them to provide accurate and timely solutions.

19. Celebrate and Recognize Employee Success

In a customer-centric environment, the role of contact center agents is pivotal. Recognizing and celebrating employee success is essential for boosting morale, motivating agents, and creating a positive work culture. When agents feel valued and appreciated, they are more likely to provide exceptional customer service.

Implement a reward and recognition program that acknowledges agents who consistently go above and beyond. This can include incentives, bonuses, public recognition, or even opportunities for career advancement. By linking recognition to specific behaviors or achievements aligned with contact center goals, you reinforce a culture of excellence.

20. Regularly Update Knowledge Base and Documentation

A robust and up-to-date knowledge base is an asset for both agents and customers. It serves as a comprehensive repository of information, troubleshooting guides, and best practices that agents can refer to when assisting customers. Regularly updating and maintaining the knowledge base ensures accuracy and relevance.

Assign dedicated personnel or a team to curate and update the knowledge base regularly. This includes incorporating new product information, service updates, and frequently asked questions. When agents have access to accurate and current information, they can provide timely and accurate solutions, enhancing customer satisfaction.

21. Conduct Regular Quality Assurance Audits

Maintaining a high standard of customer service requires ongoing evaluation and improvement. Regular quality assurance audits are a mechanism to ensure that agents are adhering to best practices and delivering consistent experiences. By reviewing call recordings, chat transcripts, and customer interactions, you can assess agent performance and identify areas for enhancement.

Quality assurance audits provide valuable insights into the strengths and areas of improvement for each agent. Constructive feedback can be provided to agents based on their interactions, highlighting what they did well and suggesting areas for refinement. This approach contributes to continuous learning and growth among agents.

Are you ready to take your customer
experience to new heights?

Contact us today to tailor these proven best practices to fit
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Final Thoughts

In essence, these contact center best practices form the backbone of exceptional customer service. By embodying these principles, ContactPoint360 demonstrates an unwavering commitment to delivering remarkable customer experiences.

We prioritize customer delight as the goal, providing empathetic and multilingual support through skillful agents who emphasize first-call resolution. Our dynamic and cohesive work culture fosters a collaborative environment where agents are recognized and celebrated for their achievements. With advanced technology and ongoing training, we offer innovative solutions and personalized interactions that showcase our dedication to excellence.

Our commitment to these practices ensures that our contact center remains a beacon of reliability, efficiency, and customer-centricity in every interaction. At ContactPoint360, these best practices are not just ideals, but daily actions that define our approach to serving customers with the utmost care and professionalism.



What is the most critical aspect of a contact center?

Agent performance is the most important aspect for any contact center as it is related to the performance of the company. Agents possessing the abilities and receiving proper training to manage calls are equipped to deliver stellar customer experience.

What are the contact center best practices to consider?

Contact center best practices include professional language, upbeat tone, empathetic demeanor, and active listening during a conversation. In addition, agents should also avoid potentially negative and less-obvious interactions.

What are the top qualities of excellent customer service?

If you want to deliver excellence, focus on the following:

  1. Clear and concise communication
  2. Problem-solving attitude
  3. Friendly communication
  4. Empathy
  5. Product/service knowledge
  6. Business acumen
  7. Time management skills

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