
Mental Health Challenges During COVID-19 and the Solutions to Combat It

May 7, 2020
mental health

How Working from Home is Affecting Your Mental Health

Many people like the idea of working from home. You can work in a familiar environment without commuting, there are no distractions, and you can wear comfortable clothes. Introverts may also enjoy not having co-workers in their personal space.

However, working from home can have drawbacks. 

Now, more than ever, businesses need work from home solutions.

Feelings of Loneliness

An office environment is a social setting where people interact with each other. To many people, the office is the only place where they can talk about things that make them happy and vent about frustrations.

People from work from home probably don’t miss the commute, but they may miss the routine of seeing others at meetings or the habit of sharing lunch break.

If you work from home, you can only focus on the task at hand. Your co-workers may be in the same boat as you, but there is no camaraderie, and you may start feeling disconnected and lonely.

Depression and Anxiety

Bringing your work life into your personal space can affect you in several ways. Usually, you go home to your loved ones after a hard day at work.

When you work from home, however, the place where you go to wind down becomes a productive environment where you have to function under stress. If you are not used to working from home, this change can result in anxiety and even depression. Be sure to contact your primary care provider or therapist for persistent depression.

Feelings of Boredom

When you work from home, there isn’t a change in the environment. You’re at home when you’re working, and when you’re not, you’re at home as well doing everything else you need to. 

This routine can make a person feel bored with the same environment all the time, and their day can start to become monotonous. 

It’s easy also to lose track of time where the lines between home and work become blurry.

How Can You Better Your Well-being Working from Home?

There are several things you can do to maintain a healthy work-life balance while working from home. With a little discipline and commitment, you may find that working from home is more enjoyable than working from your office.


Work According to a Schedule

The first thing you should do is to draw up a work schedule that you can follow comfortably. The program should be similar to your work schedule. If you follow the same work hours, the transition to your home workspace may be less challenging.

In your schedule, give yourself enough time to do your work so that every day is a productive one. You should also give yourself enough breaks, but get back to work when your lunch- or tea break is over. A rigid schedule will also prevent you from procrastinating, which is a prominent stressor for remote workers.

An excellent hack to maintain a schedule is to set alarms on your phone to remind you when it’s break or lunchtime because a lot of people can work all day without taking breaks or working into the evening.

Designate a Workspace

Have a comfortable workspace with a comfortable chair, desk, computer, and reliable internet connection so you can make phone calls and video chat with your colleagues. If you have to do high-intensity work that requires concentration, your workspace should also have a door that can close to prevent disturbances.

However, some people find it comforting to hear their family members going about their day while they work. If you quickly feel isolated, keep your door open, but make sure that your home office allows for optimal productivity. 


Spend Time with Your Family Members

While working from home, you still have to maintain your family life. Make time to spend with your family and help your children with their school work when you take breaks. Consider going for short walks with your family outside on your breaks. Spending time with family members will alleviate feelings of isolation and reduce your stress levels.

Working remotely requires extensive time management, and you don’t want your family to occupy your work time. However, you are technically always at work, so you have to guard against neglecting your household.

Do Things You Enjoy

People who are working remotely often stop doing the things they enjoy because they feel guilty for not working. If you usually spend your Saturday mornings on art projects or your garden, continue to do so.

Hobbies and home projects allow you to relax and rest. Constructive relaxation will also ensure that you are optimally productive when it is time to get back to work.

Reach out to a distant family member or your parents with a phone call. Use your break to take a walk and listen to music or relax with a cup of coffee and the paper on the couch.

Keep Your House Clean

According to studies, a dirty house can affect both your mental and physical health. If there is excessive clutter in your home, it can contribute to stress, anxiety, and a lack of concentration. You may also feel overwhelmed and out of control if your home is messy.

Make your bed as soon as you get up. This little activity signals the start of the day and sets the tone for productivity.

A dirty home can also affect your physical health. Mold, allergens, and pollutants can result in several health conditions that can lower your productivity and have an impact on your well-being. 

How to Combat Stress and Manage Your Mental Health During This Crisis

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people in the United States started experiencing an increase in stress levels. The uncertainty that surrounds the pandemic, the rising number of cases, lockdowns, and social distancing all contribute to stress, anxiety, and depression.

Managing your mental health can help you maintain your well-being and productivity during the crisis.

Get Enough Exercise

Physical activity is one of the most effective ways to reduce stress. Exercising results in the production of endorphins, a natural painkiller that improves sleep, and improves your mood. Studies show that exercise also alleviates chronic fatigue, increases alertness, and enhances a person’s cognitive function.

If you want to reduce your tension levels, stabilize your mood, and sleep better, find a physical activity that you enjoy and that you can do every day. You can find a lot of free exercises you can do on YouTube if you don’t know where to start.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy body houses a healthy mind. If you are constantly sluggish and bloated, you will struggle to be productive, and your stress levels will increase. During the lockdown, many people become sedentary, and snack on unhealthy food.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not only crucial to managing your mental health but also to lower your risks of health conditions. You can implement a healthy lifestyle by starting with a good breakfast, reducing your sugar, carb, and alcohol intake. You should also drink enough water, stop smoking, and get enough exercise. 

Meditation and yoga promote physical and mental well-being. People of any age can reap their benefits.

Take a Break from Social Media

Social media is a significant stress booster. Facebook and Twitter are not only addictive, but these platforms deprive you of quality sleep. Scrolling through your Facebook feed also reduces physical interaction with those around you, which increases isolation.

During the Coronavirus pandemic, the content that people post online can also cause stress. The pandemic statistics, images of patients, and contradictory news releases on your news feed may seem informative. In reality, however, these posts have an impact on your mental health.

Taking a break from Facebook can help you combat stress. If you want to communicate with friends and family, ask them to contact you via instant messaging or email.

Get Enough Sleep

Another effective way to lower your stress levels is with sufficient sleep. Like breathing exercises, a healthy sleep routine restores and calms the body. Adequate sleep will also regulate your mood, improve your concentration, and allow for optimal productivity.


Don’t Be Too Hard on Yourself

Many people believe that they should optimize the additional time they have available to learn new skills, run laps in their garden, and start businesses on the side.

However, remember that times are not normal. If you struggle to lose weight and put your plans to action, don’t beat yourself up. Forcing yourself to work long hours and meet high goals can only increase your stress levels.

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